Selasa, 03 November 2009

Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010

    Ashampoo Burning Studio is an optical disc authoring program for Microsoft Windows, developed by Ashampoo. It is one of the most-used alternatives to Nero Burning ROM on Windows, but not as popular as the latter

     Its main advantages are that it is simple, lightweight, and very easy to use. However, that is also one of its weaknesses: it does not contain many extras that power users might find useful.

     It is capable of creating compilations of CDs, Optical Disc Images, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs.

     It also allows the creation of DVD movies from video files.

    As a way to promote their brand and software, Ashampoo has released Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 as free software.

     Ashampoo Burning Studio 2009 is a stripped down free version of Ashampoo Burning Studio 8.04 which is available through third party websites.

Mendapatkannya Dengan Legal dan Gratis

1. Klik link berikut:

2. Isikan email kita, isian Zipcode dan Printer bisa diabaikan. Lalu klik tombol "Send"

3. Selanjutnya kita akan mendapatkan link konfirmasi ke email yang sudah kita masukkan. Oleh     karena itu, cek email kita dan klik link konfirmasi yang diberikan. Setelah link di klik, akan           muncul informasi seperti berikut :

4. Jika kita baru mendaftar pertama kali, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah mengisi form isian        yang diperlukan ( optional entry, berarti tidak diisi tidak mengapa). Setelah selesai, klik                OK,send.

catatan : Jika kita sudah pernah mendaftar sebelumnya di Ashampoo, tampilan diatas tidak akan tampil, tetapi serial number akan langsung dikirimkan ke email kita.

5. Selanjutnya kita akan masuk kedalam profil kita deperti tampilan dibawah ini dan klik pada kolom nya seperti pada gambar dibawah

tampilan akan seperti ini disertai dengan serial number

6. Setelah mendapatkan serial Number, selanjutnya kita download Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 (yang berukuran sekitar 30.7 MB)

7. Install dan gunakan Serial Number yang telah didapatkan untuk menjadikan program ini full version.

Jika di komputer sudah ada Ashampoo BUrning Studio, maka sebaiknya di uninstall terlebih dahulu, baru di install versi ini. Dan ketika menginstall, sebaiknya hilangkan tanda cek “create ‘’ desktop icon’. Resminya Ashampoo Burning Studio berjalan di Windows 2000, XP dan Vista. Dan seharusnya di Windows 7 juga berjalan normal.

CLICK HERE for Download

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Click Here for Download Local Server (IIX)

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Yahoo! Messenger Full Install

Yahoo! Messenger is an advertisement-supported instant messaging client and associated protocol provided by Yahoo!. Yahoo! Messenger is provided free of charge and can be downloaded and used with a generic "Yahoo! ID" which also allows access to other Yahoo! services, such as Yahoo! Mail, where users can be automatically notified when they receive new email. Yahoo! also offers PC-PC, PC-Phone and Phone-to-PC service, file transfers, webcam hosting, text messaging service, and chat rooms in various categories.

MD5 : 0D1384A785B2A92B067A2692A816DBDA

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

"ALAY" Sebuah Virus Fenomena Kehidupan

apa itu ALAY???
  1. selalu ngerasa paling tau tentang sepeda dan kegiatan bersepeda. Padahal jarang banget gowes,,, sekalinya gowes palingan pas ada Event atau ada liputan aja untuk memburu Goodie Bag atau sekedar
  2. tongkrongannya di pinggir pinggir jalan (yang cewek godain cowok,yang cowok godain cewe yang lagi lewat)
  3. kalo lagi ngumpul bawa handshet buat dengerin lagu lewat handphone(suka pamer ga jelas & sok asik gitu deh). Trus sok telpon-telponan dan SMS-SMS an.. kondisi terparah,, biasanya suka ngunjukin SMS dari ce/co ke temenya,, biar dibilang kl ce/co nya perhatian ama dia..
  4. sok EMO tapi ditanya sejarahnya emo ga tau.
  5. sok pengen 'gaul' mau ngikutin tren yang sekarang tapi terlalu LEBAY (cth: nge-mix baju ga kira kira ; baju ijo,celana kotak kotak,sepatu merah,kacamata biru!)
  6. dimana mana SELALU ada acara yg namanya 'putu putu narziz' (entah itu di track sepeda,WC,mobil,kamar,stasiun ,angkot,dll).
  7. fotonya ga nahan smua! (dengan gaya di imut imutin,dideketin lampu biar 'terang bgt',foto deket bgt dari wajah *biar jeleknya ga keliatan*,foto dari atas *biar kelihatan keren kali ya*,dll..pokoknya yang bisa bikin ENEG semua orang)
  8. buat cewek tiap hari kerjaannya ngomongin ttg cowooooooooo mulu! (cth: eh tau ga si A tadi gini loh sama gue hahaha lucu bgt ya? *ga lucu!)(yah pokoknya sok pamer gitu deh*berasa cantik)
  9. buat cowok..tiap hari kerjaannya cari musuh(ribut) mulu sama temen temen cowoknya yg lain *biar dianggep keren gituw*
  10. di friendster.. bagi yang cewek di ff nya majang cowok cowok ganteng semua *meski ga kenal,biar dianggep cantik & gaull* kalo yg cowok ya majang ffnya cewek semua*walau ga kenal* biar dikata cowok ganteng.
  11. T U L I S A N
    - iya : ia
    - kamu: kamuh,kammo,kamoh,kamuwh,kamyu,qamu,etc
    - aku : akyu,aq,akko,akkoh,aquwh,etc
    - maaf: mu'uph,muphs,maav,etc
    - sorry: cowyie,cory,tory(?),etc
    - add : ett,etths,aad,edd,etc
    - for : vo,fur(zz),pols,etc
    - lagi : agi,agy
    - makan: mums,mu'umhs,etc
    - lucu : lutchuw,uchul,luthu,etc
    - siapa: cppa,cp,ciuppu,siappva,etc
    - apa : uppu,apva,aps,etc
    - narsis: narciezt,narciest,etc
    - tulisannya gede kecil dan pake angka (idihh)
    &&& masih bnyak lagi!
  12. suka ngirim bulbo ga jelas di YM, FS atau FB :"akko onlenndh dcnniih" ato "ayokk perang cummendh cmma saiia" etc (paling parah lagi kalo ngirim bulbo dengan judul "********" tapi isinya kosong!) ih kampret bner deh tu orang orang alay.
  13. menganggap dirinya eksis di friendster atau Facebook atau Mulktiply (kalo comments banyak itu berarti anak gaul jadi lomba banyak-banyakan comment) *please deh ga bgt! emang kenapa coba kalo commentnya banyak?dapet rekor muri ya? ga penting bgt deh..
  14. kalo ada org yg cuman view profil kita , kita bilang gini : "hey cuman view nih?" ato "heey jgn cuman view doang,add dong! (kalo emang segitu pentingnya orang nge-ADD buat kita..kenapa kita ga nge-ADD dia waktu kita mau ngasih testi?)
  15. friendster dipenuhi glitter-glitter norak yang pastinya bisa ngerusak retina mata zz
  16. nama friendster mengagung -agungkan diri sendiri,seperti : pRinceSs cuTez,sHa luccU,tIkka cAntieqq,etc. (pede bgt sih?)
  17. kata /singkatan selalu diakhiri huruf z/s (cth : nama adalah talitra,dbuat jadi : talz. nama adalah niken,dibuat jadi qens..dsb!)
  18. diam diam mengidolakan : kangen band,st12,radja,ato bahkan GARNET BAND
  19. foto di friendster bisa nyampe 300 lebih padahal cuman foto DIRINYA SENDIRI
  20. suka menghina orang lain yang ga sama kaya dia

emo                       = emosi
Putu putu narziz  = photo photo narsis..
lebay                     = suka melebih lebihkan
ALAY                    = sebutan / bhs gaul ABC yg termasuk di 12 katagori tsb
ABC                       = Anak Bau Chiki (komunitas ini biasa nya peralihan menuju ABG)



  1. nulis kata disingkat, seperti "lagi apa?" gi pha?? atau bosen banget jadi "bsen bgd nh"
  2. memakai simbol tambahan. "p@ k@bar L0e??" atau "~hha..~ y nh.. lg bosen~"
  3. menggunakan huruf Z dibelakang kata. "mlz bgtz!" atau "gurunya malezin yh"
  4. comment orang dengan minta balasan kaya "repp iah!" / "blz dum" / "reply dsini iiaaa"
  5. layoutnya yang super rame bahkan berfotmat gif (gerak) dengan warna ngejrenk pinkk fontnya yang anehlah


  1. aboutme panjaaaang banget dengan gambar dari myspace yang gajelas pake isi gr-gr an kaya "aq tuh.... cntik.... lucu.... punya cowo ganteng..." zzz dan sebagainyalah lo tau kan
  2. penggantian kata! gue / gw / gua = w, lo / lu = lw / loe. dong = dumzz / dwunhh
  3. foto serba diediiiiit abis apalagi yang editnya emo emo pake tulisan gothic gitu
  4. mediabox dipenuhin dengan gambarrrrrr


  1. mamerin kebisaan dishotout, misalnya "eh w kan menang track motor lohh.." atau "eh w les nyetir dong.." dan yang lebih oon nya "eh w makin oke dan top ya tiap hari" (halah)
  2. rusuhin comment foto. misalnya cuma dicomment "cantik deh/ganteng deh" balesnya "emg gw gnteng gtuu... y krna trlahir dh ganteng kli ya?? hha. dan kyanya..........blabalabla"
  3. nickname digabung sama nama org yang disuka dengan cara gajelas. misalnya (kalo namanya sama maaf ya) "delita saiianks si luthuu.." atau "delita cinta dya" gitulah ya aezzz...
  4. bikin album yang isinya artis favorit mereka. contoh "kangen band khuzuz loh!!" apalagi albumnya pake dikunci, yah capedeh!!


  1. barang abal yang dipamerin ketemen terus dia ngaku beli di singapore. amrik . dan sbgainya. "eh liat nih gue beli gelang dijerman gituloh asli kalo ga salah sih dirupiahin 500 ribu ya." padahal dia beli di itc aja!! yang 10 ribu 5 hahaha.
  2. tulisan gede-kecil. "aLoW kLiAnZ hArUz ADd GwE YaH!!" atau dengan angggka "K4Ng3nZ          dWEcChh" NNNNNZZZZZ
  3. minta di add di shotout, "j9n lupa ett ghw"
  4. gaya dengan bibir monyong, telunjuk nempel bibir, gaya tangan dengan oke dipinggir kepala dan foto dari atas
  5. nge post bulbo cuma buat kasih tau dia lagi online & minta comment

                    nb: Thanks Buat Penulis Pertama 

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Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009


This is simple Tantra Hack for indonesia Server.
Enjoy it.. Semua gratis cuma diperlukan kesabaran

Buat Kode Portalnya download disini (SKIP AD)
Cheat yg sama tapi ada wallhack nya disini (SKIP AD)

Selasa, 08 September 2009

Theme hospital

Theme Hospital is a simulation computer game developed by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts in 1997, in which the player designs and operates a hospital. Like most of Bullfrog's games, Theme Hospital is permeated by an eccentric sense of humour. The game is the thematic successor to Theme Park, a game also produced by Bullfrog.

Download here: (125 Mb)
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5   Part 6    Part 7

DU METER V 3.07 Build 197

DU Meter 3.07 is a major new version of our award-winning utility. It will enable you to use your Internet connection more efficiently by providing an accurate visualization of the data which is flowing through your computer's network connection. DU Meter also includes an extensive reporting facility, a flexible notifications and events system, and more

Band of Brothers (Movie)

      Band of Brothers is a 2001 ten-part television World War II miniseries based on the book of the same title written by historian and biographer Stephen Ambrose. It was executive produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks after their collaboration on the World War II film Saving Private Ryan (1998). The episodes first aired in 2001 on HBO and are still run frequently on various TV networks around the world.
      The narrative centers on the experiences of E Company ("Easy Company") of the 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment assigned to the 101st Airborne Division, from Easy's basic training at Toccoa, Georgia, through the American airborne landings in Normandy, Operation Market Garden, the Battle of Bastogne and on to the end of the war.
      The events portrayed are based on Ambrose's research and recorded interviews with Easy Company veterans. A large amount of literary license was taken with the episodes, and other reference books will highlight the differences between recorded history and the film version.[4] All of the characters portrayed are based on actual members of Easy Company; some of them can be seen in prerecorded interviews as a prelude to each episode (their identities, however, are not revealed until the close of the finale). Spielberg is producing a sequel miniseries called The Pacific that will premiere in March 2010.

Sabtu, 05 September 2009

Billing Explorer 4.43

Will easily fit your requirement of internet cafe or cyber cafe business. Capability to monitor client status, automated billprinting, displaying today's revenue, report generating generating, security levelling and more feature that shows in easy and.

Download Here
MD5 : 0979FB7837C50DB31D8BAC296930F8F8

MD5 : 71620432C658D44705762011C67968D2

MD5 : 1271B60CBAA00E201B82FAC70E4C35BC

MD5 : 7D7476FDE8AA408ABD40169C92DDCE71


Kama Sutra

Discover the secrets of sexual wisdom as revealed in the ancient masterpieces of erotic literature, and bring the ultimate in sexual pleasure to your love life.

In The Kama Sutra, Anne Hooper, sex therapist and bestselling author of The Great Sex Guide and The Pocket Sex Guide, reinterprets and updates the ancient erotic texts of the Kama Sutra and The Perfumed Garden, distilling 2000 years of sexual knowledge into an exhilarating modern guide.

This seductive and discreetly sized book demonstrates the love positions from oriental erotic texts in voluptuous colour photographs. It unlocks the secrets of sensual lovemaking for deeper spiritual and physical harmony and will heighten the adventurous lovers' sexual pleasure through inventive erotic techniques.

Download Here  17,44 MB 

Mech Warrior 3

      The story opens with a briefing of the Inner Sphere (IS) commander’s daring plan to eliminate the most hostile and vicious clan in the Inner Sphere: Clan Smoke Jaguar. The mission, codenamed Damocles, is to attack key Smoke Jaguar installations on the planet Tranquil, including a 'Mech Factory, a starport and a geothermal power plant, and to eliminate Smoke Jaguar forces and leadership on planet.
      Two dropships are deployed to release the BattleMech force to destroy these installations. However, while in orbit above Tranquil, a dropship is attacked by massive naval laser fire. The Blackhammer is shot down and the remaining dropship, The Eclipse, retreats to safety. The player had already been deployed from a dropship slightly off target before it was shot down. The Mobile Field Bases (MFB) that had been deployed with the player land on target, and the player meets up with them quickly.
      Less than half of the 'Mechs are deployed, with the rest either shot down during the drop or still onboard the Eclipse. Despite this setback, the player must continue with his objectives, and hope to link up with those forces that survived, and eventually, secure a landing zone so the dropship can return to evacuate them.

Kama Sutra for 21st Century Lovers

Bringing together the most exciting elements of Eastern eroticism, including over 100 sexual positions taken from the Kama Sutra, the Ananga Ranga, The Perfumed Garden, and the Tao, Kama Sutra for 21st Century Lovers updates and reinterprets the classic, 2,000 year-old sex manual. Fully illustrated and featuring specially commissioned photographs, this newly created classic is a font of information on achieving, enriching, and diversifying sexual pleasure. The author emphasizes the importance of pressure points, manners, artistic freedom and, most of all, finding and pursuing a loving sexual relationship.

Dowload Here:  20,10 MB

Part 1   Part 2

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Deep Freeze 6.30 Enterprise Full

      Deep Freeze protects the computer by utilizing a separate partition on the hard disk drive for write back. When the computer is rebooted, this partition is treated empty again and existing information on it is inaccessible. This allows users to make 'virtual' changes to the system, giving them the appearance that they can modify core files or even delete them, and even make the system unusable to themselves, but upon reboot the 'frozen' state of the operating system is restored.

Download Here:

MechWarrior 4: Vengeance

Is a computer game developed by FASA Interactive and published by Microsoft. It was released on November 24, 2000. This game is the fourth game in MechWarrior series. It takes place in BattleTech universe where the pinnacle of all war machines are huge, heavily armed robots called Battlemechs. The player pilots one of the these mechs and uses variety of available weapons (autocannons, lasers, missiles, ...) to battle enemy mechs, tanks and other vehicles. An expansion pack, MechWarrior 4: Black Knight, was released in October 31, 2001, and a subsequent stand-alone expansion, MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries was released in November 7, 2002. It was announced on July 09, 2009 that Mechwarrior 4 and its expansions will be re-released for free.


      The Vertical Empire is a construction and management simulation computer game (or "software toy") which was developed by OPeNBooK Co., Ltd. and published by Maxis in 1994 in the United States for Macintosh and Windows. Additionally, OPeNBooK released the game as simply The Tower in Japan that same year.

2,71 MB

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